The Psychology of Change.
By Dr Aric Sigman
Have you ever wondered about our own and others reactions to change? We know that if change is to succeed or fail a major consideration is that of the people themselves. This fascinating article outlines change from a psychological point of view, including the factors that are likely to impact on commitment to change.
Creating Advocates for your Change
Are you ready for change?
Why is change so in fashion?
All organisations seem to be talking about these days are efforts and programmes in relation to change, and how to enable change to happen effectively. So much in our working world is uncertain. Never has it been more true than to say 'The only constant is change.'
Self Managed Teams in Nationwide Building Society.
By Warren Scott, Oakwood Learning Ltd
For People Management magazine
Self Managed Teams (SMT's) can be described as the organising of the company, or parts of it, into teams, who are given the shared authority and responsibility to plan, implement and control how team targets are achieved. Much has been written about empowerment and Self Managed Teams, and views seem to be mixed. There is a distinct lack of hard evidence about their impact in the companies that have implemented this way of working. Read more….
Teambuilding and Transactional Analysis (T.A.)
By Warren Scott, Oakwood Learning Ltd
Transactional analysis (T.A.) is a model for understanding human personality, relationships and communication. It was developed by Eric Berne and has been growing from the 1960's. To understand T.A. and how to use it in teams, you should first gain a basic understanding of the concepts. Because of the way in which T.A. focuses on behaviour in relationships with others, it becomes an excellent tool for team building. Read more….
A Gestalt Approach to Facilitation
by Warren Scott, Oakwood Learning Ltd
Gestalt psychology began as the study of human perception and learning during the early and mid 20th Century. Gestalt principles subsequently were applied in the therapeutic setting and were focused specifically on the processes by which people develop an awareness of their environments at any given moment in time. When Gestalt principles are applied within an organizational-consulting situation, perception and awareness become focal points. Read more….